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Life = Politics and Fakes? February 14, 2007

Posted by visualreality in Personal Life.
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Is this the real world?

As we grow older, the more unsure you become of the things you see.

Life is probably like that. Information is King? REAL information, IS KING.

Else, you wander aimlessly in the realm of the naivety.

That’s life.. take it.

Good Piece January 23, 2007

Posted by visualreality in Flat World.
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The world is changing every second of the time. Talk about a 21st century mindset is so obsolete now. In fact, our minds should be wandering far ahead.

Unfortunately, people of my country are not noticing this. They keep on squabbling over issues like corruptions, religion and race to the point of going to court and protesting on the streets.

The world is accelerating now. The past world wars has stopped the engine for some time. Few decades after that has seen it starting the engine and beginning to move. Now, it is gaining momentum and entering the high speed era. Malaysia is going to sit and watch all these unfolds without participating because we are blinded by so many petty issues at home.

China is waking up, they say. But they are not great yet as there are still petty issues they must overcome. With great minds like this one, I am sure China will run along, if not leading.

Bring it Down.. January 22, 2007

Posted by visualreality in Freedom.
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The media here is up to something, I suspect.

I mean, under what circumstances would a major newspaper carry out an article with such idiotic title for the subject matter:

Two events to boost Pak Lah’s international image

Makes the man looks like a fool.

Bloggers Unite vs NSTP January 20, 2007

Posted by visualreality in Freedom.
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This is the official statement of Bloggers United. This statement is jointly drafted by Susan Loone and Sheih of Kickdefella. All those who believe in justice and right to free speech, please sign on and put this up in your blogs. Spread it around; let it grow far and wide. The fight is on! See also Susan Loone.


We, Malaysian bloggers, we, who believe in justice and right to free speech, we, who endorse the Bloggers United movement, unanimously condemn the action taken by media conglomerate NST against bloggers Rocky Bru and Jeff Ooi. The action by the newspaper against the duo is an action against all bloggers who believe in their right to free speech, freedom of expression and justice.

The recent event may seem like a grave development in the path of bloggers, but it can never and must never impede or stop us from defending our right to speak, to express, to write and to tell the truth, to be the watchdog, eyes and ears of the people, or simply to share our view, and give fair comment on any subject which involves and affects us as humans, as rightful citizens of this country.

The recent event may very well give the government owned media the opportunity to dictate the so-called ‘truth” but such actions only prove that bloggers must unite, continue to uphold the right to free speech and freedom of expression, fight for justice, even if it is not our own, be more alert, committed to the cause of free speech, relentless and persistence in the face of such persecution like the one which had befallen on the two of us.

What YOU do to any of US, is what YOU do to ALL.

As responsible bloggers, we demand and claim our space on the blogosphere for free and fair comment, where important national issues and prominent personalities are discussed.

Although it may seem as if the NSTP defamation suits will have a chilling effect on freedom of bloggers, as litigation can be expensive and may jeorpadise a blogger’s economic position, we will not be cowed or silenced by those who have no regard for free speech.

If you find our post offensive, you may refute us with correct facts and figures and fair comment, in the spirit of free speech.

The first two cases will have grave impact not only on the internet, but country as a whole as the country celebrates VMY2007. The healthy, mature and democratic growth for free speech and expression in our midst is at stake. The reputation of the nation as it strives to promote our multimedia supercorridor and love for IT will be a national joke for all the world to feast on.

We demand for a level playing field in all action meted out to bloggers and in particular in the defamation proceedings particularly in terms of financial resources and capabilities, and secondly, that the legal rights of bloggers et al are properly protected in keeping with the imperatives of an information society and knowledge economy which Malaysia aspires to become.

For further information, please contact blogger susan loone at susanloone@gmail.com and sheih at kickdefella@yahoo.com

David vs Goliath January 20, 2007

Posted by visualreality in Freedom.
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I’ve been busy with tonnes of chores lately, but I’ve been following closely the recent development on the NSTP lawsuit against Jeff and Rocky.

In my opinion, NSTP has made a very big mistake.

Bloggers United is now established. The whole world is holding their breath watching the events unfold.

First case in Malaysia. Probably first in the world of its kind when David beats Goliath.

I will be keeping eyes and ears open. Most importantly, I’ll be keeping my mind open.

Jakarta Again… January 11, 2007

Posted by visualreality in Personal Life.
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I may be going to Jakarta again. There is good and bad side to it.

The real thing that bothers me is timing. It should be just timed correctly to avoid past mistake and missed opportunity.

But sometimes, not everything is perfect in life isn’t it?

Silent Night January 10, 2007

Posted by visualreality in Home Renovation.
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Tonight is a very tiring night. I have been running around few shops at The Curve getting price list and calculating costs for the stuffs I need for the house renovation.

In the end, I bought some bathroom stuffs and a mirror at IKEA.

Need to buy more tomorow.

Will update this site with more photos of the house soon.